1. Has something at work ever gone wrong but later turned out to be a blessing in disguise? What was it?
2. How did you get your foot in the door at your first or current job?
3. What would you do to hit the ground running in your first week at a new job?
4. Can you share a time when you or your team had to think outside the box to solve a problem?
5. Have you ever had to go back to square one at work? What happened?
6. When a task is very difficult, do you think it’s helpful to go back to basics? Why?
7. How can getting your foot in the door with a small job help you get bigger opportunities?
8. What would you do to hit the ground running on your first day at a new job?
9. If your manager asked you to think outside the box, how would you do it?
10. Have you ever seen a team go back to basics to fix a problem? Did it work?
11. What helps you stay motivated when you have to go back to square one on a task?
12. Have you ever missed a chance at work but later realized it was a blessing in disguise?