1. Are there any festivals in your country that attract tourists from around the world? What do they typically enjoy about it?
2. What are some traditional foods or drinks associated with festivals in your culture?
3. What role do music and dance play in festivals around the world?
4. How do you think festivals reflect the history or traditions of a country?
5. How do festivals help boost tourism and the local economy?
6. Some people think festivals are a waste of money and time. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
7. If you could attend one of the festivals mentioned in the video, which one would it be, and why?
8. Would you ever participate in the Running of the Bulls( a festival in spain)? Why or why not?
9. Do you prefer large festivals with lots of people or smaller, more local celebrations? Why?
10. If you could create a new festival, what would it celebrate, and how would people participate?